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主题发起者 2023-12-30 19:59
官方刚刚发布了 wpForo 2.2 中间版本!
wpForo 2.2 附带许多修复的小袋子。为 wpForo 开发人员和管理 wpForo 函数添加了一些钩子。
- 更新后,如果您有,请删除所有缓存并清除 CDN。
- 更新后,如果您启用了此缓存,请刷新 Redis 对象缓存
2.2.9 变化
- Added: Topic type classes to wrapper DIVs for better styling
- Added: Classes to all dates in topics and posts
- Fixed Bug: Vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Fixed Bug: PHP Fatal error when BuddyPress or Ultimate Member is deactivated
- Fixed Bug: Emoji encoding issue to be saved in utf8mb4 database tables
- Fixed Bug: to JS popup login and registration links
2.2.8 Changes
- Added: Display subforums' topics with the parent forum topics. By default the feature is disabled, you can enable it in Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Display Topics & Posts admin page
- Added: Can post and can listen to voice posting permissions
- Fixed Bug: Fixed some font awesome icons
- Fixed Bug: PHP Fatal Errors
- Fixed Bug: Problems with options cache
- New Addon: wpForo - Voice Posting
2.2.7 Changes
- Improved: Forum search supports exact phrase search and boolean search:
- Example: "search phrase"for exact phrase search
- Example: +search +phrasefor boolean search ("+" means AND)
- Example: -"search phrase" for boolean search ("-" means NOT)
- Example: search* for wildcard search
- Added: rel="nofollow" to share buttons and links
- Updated: Font Awesome to 6.5.1
- Updated: Replaced Twitter share buttons to X, with icons and colors
- Hooks: Added hooks to display user fields on posts and member list using wpForo User Custom Fields addon
2.2.6 Changes
- Added: Detecting the timezone from the user's browser if it's not set in the account settings
- Fixed Bug: Vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
2.2.5 Changes
- Compatibility: Adopted with old 7.x PHP version to avoid PHP errors
- Fixed Bug: Last post information on forum list
- Fixed Bug: Forum participants avatars
- Fixed Bug: Vulnerability to Content Injection
- Fixed Bug: Vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Fixed Bug: PHP error / Syntax error, unexpected '|', expected variable (T_VARIABLE))
- Fixed Bug: PHP error / Typed property wpforo\classes\Cache::$dir must not be accessed before initialization
- Fixed Bug: PHP error / Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given in includes/hooks.php:1528
- Fixed Bug: PHP error / Trying to access array offset on value of type null in themes/2022/layouts/2/post.php
- Fixed Bug: Fatal error on user login and registration
2.2.4 Changes
- Compatibility: WordPress 6.4
- Added: Hook to control enabled activity types for BuddyPress integration
- Added: Better performance of Simplified forum layout
- Changed: Twitter to X, icons and labels
- Fixed Bug: XSS vulnerability issue
- Fixed Bug: User registration vulnerability
- Fixed Bug: Validating uploaded avatar files
- Fixed Bug: No way to select empty value for dropdown field
- Fixed Bug: Fatal error: array_merge() argument #2 must be of type array, null given in wpforo/classes/Activity.php:217
2.2.3 Changes
- Added: New hooks for activity editing and deleting methods
- Added: Suggesting correct page for setting forum as the home page
- Fixed Bug: Statistic issue on forum list of the Simplified Layout
- Fixed Bug: Remove auto-generation of log files
- Fixed Bug: 404 error when accessing URLs with postid in numeric permalink structure
- New Addon: wpForo - Paid Membership Pro Integration
2.2.2 Changes
- Added: Increase max length of avatar URL field
- Added: Synchronize user roles and usergroups when roles are updated
- Fixed Bug: Issue with adding new forum access in non-latin languages
- Fixed Bug: Secondary usergroups syncing issue with multiple user roles
- New Addon: wpForo – MemberPress Integration
- New Addon: wpForo – SureMembers Integration
2.2.1 Changes
- Fixed Bug: PHP Error with Blog-Forum Cross Posting addon
- Fixed Bug: Forum board pageid shows “not found” message for Forum Admin
- Fixed Bug: Permission issue with editing of forum cover image
2.2.0 Changes
- Compatibility: WordPress 6.3
- Added: Button to copy a forum with all settings and permissions in dashboard
- Added: Filter hook to change wpForo cache directory
- Added: New email shortcodes [user_group_name], [user_group_names], [user_secondary_group_names]
- Added: Improved canonical URL generation and filtering unnecessary parts
- Added: Flexible tag separator, hook to change it
- Added: Shortcode for activity, account, and other profile pages
- For example [wpforo item="activity" id="1"], the `id` is a user ID. Documentation: https://wpforo.com/docs/wpforo-v2/getting-started/forum-page/wpforo-shortcodes/
- Added: Hooks:
- wpforo_cache_dir
- wpforo_tag_separator
- wpforo_init_canonical_url
- Fixed Bug: PHP Fatal error when disable following and subscriptions modules
- Fixed Bug: Issue with arabic comma in topic tags
- Fixed Bug: RTL issues with some font-awesome icons
- Fixed Bug: RTL issues with tags
主题修改于 12 月之前, 清风許来
主题发起者 2024-01-04 16:49
- 版本 2.2.10
- 添加: 不同开发人员要求的大量新钩子
- 修复问题: Improved the
function to avoid PHP errors - 修复问题: Fix
to lowcase URLs carefully - 新扩展: wpForo – User Mentioning
- 扩展更新: wpForo – User Custom Field
- 新添加
帖子修改于 1 年之前 2 次, 清风許来